So I think I'm going to start a new blog feature - New & Old. I'll link you to a blog that I've been reading for a while (the "old") and a blog that I've just discovered and am enjoying (the "new"). See - we like to keep things simple up here in Canada!
The New - I'll go with the newest for this first one! I was visiting
Rich's blog yesterday and ended up at
The Wonderful Noise the blog home of Victor Estrada. Like me, Victor is a worship pastor and, also like me, is the father of a new baby girl.
The Old - I'll stick with the theme and go with the oldest! The first blog I ever started reading belongs to
Jordon Cooper. I had the opportunity to meet Jordon a couple years ago but was too chicken to tell him that I read his blog. Jordon has a very keen sense of the goings-on in "underground Christianity" in Canada and is not afraid to take significant steps to help make things better. Plus, he's Canadian and that makes him worth reading.
Both of these guys are linked in my bloglist so check them out if you're looking for some more reading.
Now go find your own guitar-playing, singing goat and send me a snapshot!